Sunday, June 28, 2009

Whittlesford Ball -A triumph

The first Whittlesford Ball took place last night the 27th June 2009. Over 250 people were comfortably seated, at an event sponsored by yours truly. So the weather was great, none of the promised thunder and storms. The food was good for this type of event, the wines were good! and so was the company. Vic had her hair done specially and looked lovely. I overdid it and got cosy with the undergrowth on a long wobbly walk home.
Great work by the committee, it was a quality event, well thought out and planned.
I even danced with the wife....
Lets hope it raises £10,000+ for the William Westley Primary school, were both my kids go and are very happy.
Quality hangover today, and tennis coming up...
First blog, pictures to follow.